
Group 11Created with Sketch.

4 & 5

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December 2023

Two online meetings to present the local art projects.

Presentation of the local art projects

The event 4 represented the first round of 4 events dedicated to the presentation of the local activities implemented locally with the cooperation of citizens and stakeholders. All partners participated in the on-line meeting with people of the coordination group, stakeholders and citizens.

The partners that presented their activities were Linköping Municipality (Sweden) and Daugavpils Municipality (Latvia). Partners’ presentations were introduced by the presentation of the project Art4rights with the focus on the CERV programme and the main features of the project.

Peter Ostersek, representative of the Municipality of Linköping presented the project based the comparison of old city archives and the pictures and photos that citizens sent. This process led to the creation of a platform for deliberative dialogue where citizens can have fruitful dialogues. It represents a learning process that opened new horizon also on the EU values in particular on democracy and participation and the respect of diversity and pluralism.

Jolanta Reca-Laze, representative of Daugavpils Municipality, presented the installation of the letters composing the word “Daugavpils” in a neglected area of the city transforming it in a place for citizens and made by citizens. This led to an active participation and direct involvement of citizens with discussion on the EU values and the creation of a space of freedom in the EU. 


Linköping Municipality

Daugavpils Municipality

Presentation of the local art projects

The event 5 represented the second round dedicated to the presentation of the local activities implemented locally with the cooperation of citizens and stakeholders. All partners participated in the on-line meeting with people of the coordination group, stakeholders and citizens.

The partners that presented their activities were Kreis Kassel (Germany) and the Rural Hub (Ireland).. Partners’ presentations were introduced by the presentation of the project Art4rights with the focus on the CERV programme and the main features of the project.

Jennifer Nolan, representative of the Rural Hub, presented the local art project starting from the interpretation of the idea that a place is what gives a space the personality and connection to the cultural identity. From this assumption, the piece of public art proposed is an installation of a drumkit with stained glass linked to the Irish mythology and Irish values. This led to the discussion on what it means to be European. The final art product is opened to the citizens and the drumkit can be played with lights display.

Patrizia Ruffini, representative of Kreis Kassel, introduced a art project intended to invite people to think about values of the EU through a series of participatory events held in public spaces. Indeed, participants designed and hung on trees in public spaces, wooden stars with their thoughts about EU values. In this way, trees and public spaces are transformed into a gallery of collected thoughts and ideas. Collaboration among citizens represents a way to let people meet, get in contact, communicate and exchange their thoughts. 


Kreis Kassel

The Rural Hub

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