Municipality of Daugavpils

Daugavpils is the second largest city of national significance in Latvia with population around 80 000. Daugavpils is located on the eastern border of Latvia and is an important center of socio-economic development in the Baltics. 

Today Daugavpils is an important international cultural center with interesting and cultivated traditions and developed infrastructure. Several cultural institutions operate in the city, which organize cultural events for city residents and guests: Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils Theater, national cultural centers, Latgale Central Library, etc. Non-governmental organizations also operate in the city, which contribute to the diversification of cultural life and are active consumers of culture. 

Daugavpils has given the world the outstanding painter Mark Rothko, the “King of Tango” Oscar Strok and the actor, stage director, public and political figure Solomon Mikhoels (Vovsi). The 19th century fortress and the Church Hill with the churches of four different confessions situated there are the symbols of Daugavpils. 

Previous experience

Daugavpils has great experience of international level, it has more than 20 twin cities and cooperation ties are very broad. Daugavpils is actively involved and successfully implements many cross-border projects that allow to develop the city, attract funding, gain new experience and strengthen ties with partners in the neighbouring countries, as well as to increase the sense of ownership and mutual understanding about European rights among citizens. Daugavpils city has a solid experience in EU project management (such programs as Interreg, Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, CERV, etc.). 

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